Flaming fishes

University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology

Welcome to FIT

The University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology (FIT) is specializing in the fields of intercultural theology, diaconia and ecumenical cooperation in a global context. Students acquire in praxis-oriented teaching and research the essential intercultural, theological and social diaconal qualifications to deal with the everchanging challenges being faced in the wake of globalization.

The FIT is also an exceptional place of intercultural and interreligious encounter: Students from Germany and all over the world live and learn together and share with one another their diverse theological and cultural backgrounds. Currently, students from the following countries of origin study at FIT - including the master's program "Intercultural Theology" offered in cooperation with the University of Göttingen: Bangladesh, China, Germany, India, Indoesia, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Nigeria, Philippines, South Sudan, Syria, Tanzania and Uganda.

In particular our students perceive the internationality and interculturality on campus, combined with the special range of courses offered at our university of applied sciences, as unique and horizon widening. At the FIT students do not only learn about Intercultural Theology in the lectures, but they live it every day in the community. Here you are "FACING GOD AND THE WORLD"!

Get inspired by this diversity!


UEM Mission Lectures 2024: Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers 2024

The FIT and the United Evangelical Mission (VEM) invite you to a lecture event entitled "Breaking Barriers", which will look at the role of women in the process of decolonization.

  • WHEN:    02.07.2024, 16.15 - 17.45 hrs
  • WHERE:  Auditorium of the FIT.

Speakers are

  • Dr. Oinike Harefa,
    Pastor of the Christian Protestant Church on Nias (BNKP)
  • Rev. Julie Kandema,
    Vice-President of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR)
  • Thea Hummel,
    Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator of the UEM.


Details on the topic of the lecture and the speakers can be found here: https://www.vemission.org/weiterbilden/mission-lecture#

The event will be held in English with German translation. Admission is free. UEM looks forward to your contribution by a donation!

Welcome to you all!


Discussion Forum on the Holy Spirit

Dear FIT community,
Dear friends of FIT,

FIT would like to invite you to a three-part- event dedicated to the “HOLY SPIRIT”: In an interdenominational and intercultural discussion, Professor Johannes Weth, Professor Moritz Fischer and three guest speakers want to exchange with you different perspectives on the “Holy Spirit”. Start of the event is on 11.06.2024 at 4.15 pm.


For more information please check here: 

Changed times for devotions at FIT

Kapelle Fenster und Altar

Dear FIT community, dear friends of the FIT,

please note that the times for devotional life at FIT have been changed in summer semester 2024.

It would be wonderful to meet you at the devotions in the FIT Chapel.
Warm welcome! 

Details can be found here: 

Spiritual life at FIT

International Symposium at FIT

Gruppenfoto Symposium FIT - UTC 03_2024

From March 2-6, 2024, an international symposium took place at FIT. Researchers from the United Theological College in Bangalore (India), Tumaini University in Makumira (Tanzania) and FIT, including the Director of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Lower Saxony (ELM), took part. The participants discussed the topic "Neighbourhood at crossroads ... Shaping identity, minorities and politicised religions." The event was organized and chaired by Professor Dr. Kaholi Zhimomi (Bangalore) and Professor Dr. Andreas Kunz-Lübcke (FIT). Klick here for


An inaugural lecture that inspires

JW Ausschnitt

In October 2022, Professor Dr. Johannes Weth took over the Chair of Systematic Theology in Intercultural Perspective from Professor emeritus Dr. Wilhelm Richebächer at FIT. At the end of January 2024 he gave his Inaugural Lecture. Professor Weth filled his lecture with challenging content, but at the same time knew how to convey it in a gripping, vivid and practical way. The 55 members of the audience were enthusiastic about the inspiring performance, and the students at FIT can count themselves lucky to have this highly committed teacher.

Click here for the summarizing report: Lectures - Meetings - Conferences

Graduation at FIT: Bringing knowledge alive!

Gruppenfoto Graduates 2023

In September 2023, the University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology Hermannsburg (FIT) celebrated the graduation of six students."You have learned to make peace, to build bridges, to respect your counterparts, to live fraternally with all humanity, and to seek justice not only for yourselves but also for others. Now it is time to make use of the knowledge you have acquired." With these words, the his year's graduates and further guests were welcomed by Professor Johannes Weth in the service for the graduation ceremony. He contuinued with the following question: "But how does the acquired knowledge come alive so that it changes the face of the world?"

You can read his answer to this question and what else happened on graduation day here: Report Graduation FIT 2023

Mission Committee decides to close FIT after a transitional period. University operation continues until probably 2025

The Mission Committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Lower Saxony (ELM) decided on the 09.03.2021 to phase out the two Bachelor degree programmes at the University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology Hermannsburg.

University operations will continue until students who have started their studies by the winter semester 2021/2022 can complete their degree prgramme within the standard or maximum period of study according to the respective examination regulations.

Although the FIT enjoys a high reputation, especially among actors from science, mission and ecumenism, because of the good quality in teaching and research as much as because of its educational offer relevant for society and churches, financial aspects ultimately had priority in the decision-making of the MA.

FIT has taken a position on the closure decision as follows: Open letter FIT to closure decision

For details on the Mission Committee`s decision please check here: https://www.fh-hermannsburg-eng.landeskirche-hannovers.de/News-and-events

The FIT is looking constructively to the future and is seeking options as to how and where intercultural theology can be anchored academically and also in church structures in the future. We do this out of the conviction that intercultural theology is relevant for church and society and will become even more relevant in the future.