For future risk assessments and decisions in connection with the Corona pandemic, the university management is guided by the current situation and the respective state of knowledge. The recommendations and instructions of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the Federal Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK), the Foreign Office, the district of Celle and the local health authority are decisive for us.
4. Information on the current situation from Robert Koch-Institute (RKI):
The RKI informs daily about the current situation and issues recommendations how to act and how to control the spread of the virus here:
5. In case of Coronary symptoms or suspicion of a corona infection:
If you show typical corona symptoms (cough, colds, sore/itchy throat, shortness of breath, and fever, possibly diarrhoea, loss of smell or taste) or assume that you have been infected with the virus, please
- DO NOT visit your doctor's surgery,
- but contact your doctor by telephone.
- If she/he is not available, please call the emergency service of the health insurance company at 116 117.
- Stay away from other people and follow the instructions of the doctor or emergency service.
- If you stay on campus, also inform the Student Secretariat or the university management by phone or email.
6. Vaccination against Covid-19
- The incidence of corona infections is many times higher in the unvaccinated than in the vaccinated. Furthermore, it is almost exclusively the unvaccinated who are dependent on intensive medical care for severe courses of the disease.
- Wherever many citizens are vaccinated, the virus can spread less easily. Those who are vaccinated have a significantly higher protection against a severe course of the disease and at the same time better protect others from infection.
- FIT recommends all studens and co-workers of FIT to get vaccinated against Covid-19. If a students needs support in this matter, please contact us.
For helpful information on Covic-19 and vaccination against coronavirus in several languages please check here:
- Youtube videos with explanations by doctors
("We explain for everyone"): - Brochure in English
7. Further helpful information can be found here:
- WHO - Advice for the public:
- Robert Koch Institut: