Systematic Theology and Hermeneutics in an Intercultural Perspective

Systematic Theology and Hermeneutics in an Intercultural Perspective
Academic background
Occupational history
Research focusses
I am a Protestant theologian and professional artist. I contribute to the FIT work especially the experience of 15 years of an intercultural community at Himmelsfels in learning and living in Spangenberg.
I am a passionate preacher, storyteller and an inventor. My heart is dedicated to the vision of letting the one body of Christ from all nations and skin colors become visible together even in the local context. Together with my international brothers and sisters I stand up for overcoming the divisions and borders between cultural imprints in church as well as in society.
My theological interest is to overcome one-sided perspectives and culturally dominant patterns of explanation in theology. I understand theology as encouragement and freedom to think responsibly before the forum of God and the world. The vitality of this reasoning comes from the ever new and fruitful confrontation of the biblical tradition and the experienced reality of the world. Understood in this way, theology can become the guarantor and enabler of a wideness that the church is in need of in order to overcome old demarcations and false convictions in its present.