Aim of the professorship of World Christianities and Mission History is to qualifying students of different confessional, cultural and national backgrounds to work within and beyond churches and institutions in their ability to reflect historically and critically in times of global political, social, and spiritual changes.
From a historical, social science and theoretical perspective, I pursue questions of identity in local and global Christianity with my general research focus on the “intercultural history of Christianity”. This is done taking into account fundamental transformation processes (such as globalisation and migration) and with reference to intercultural and interreligious interaction processes. "Intercultural History of Christianity" is located in the overlapping area of church history, history, missiology and religious studies, ecumenism, and intercultural theology.
After several years of teaching, first abroad (Tanzania 1992-2000) and then in Germany, since April 2019 I accepted the call as a Professor onto the chair “World Christianities and Mission History” at the University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology (FIT) in Germany (Lower Saxony) at 29320 Südheide-Hermannsburg. There I teach and qualify students from different denominational, cultural, and national backgrounds for intercultural-theological reflection on the forms of globalising Christianity in historical perspective. I spend my free time with my family, which includes my wife (ordained parish-pastor in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Bavaria) and five adult children.